Indian Institute of Public Administration J&K Regional Branch and World Wide Fund for Nature India organized seminar on “Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable development” on 30th March 2013 at Conference hall of IIPA. Jenab Mian Altaf Ahmad Hon’ble Minister of Forests was the Chief Guest and Shri Shiekh Ejaz Ahmad Iqbal IAS, Commissioner / Secretary was the Guest of Honour on the occasion. Mr. Deepak Khanna IFS, Director State Forest Research Institute was the key note speakers Participants from J&K forest and allied departments, NGOs, Faculty from different degree colleges, Professors, research scholars and students from Universities, teachers and students from schools and members of IIPA attended the seminar.
Sh.J.B.S.Johar Hony Secretary IIPA, J&K Regional Branch welcomed the guests and participants. Dr.C.M.Seth Vice Chairman IIPA, J&K Regional Branch delivered lecture on Biodiversity and Sustainability. While speaking he said that J&K government has adopted the National Biodiversity Act 2002 and recently constituted Biodiversity Authority and Biodiversity Board. He said that state has already drafted the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan in the year 2003 and approved by the Government in the year 2008. He said that considerable progress has been made in the past to document and conserve the Biodiversity of the state but more is yet to be achieved. He said that J&K Himalayas are one of the hotspots and the Authority should make all out efforts to conserve the same by notifying Biosphere reserves. In the past WWF-India profiled the Biodiversity of J&K in the year 1997. He also informed that several Preservation Plots have been set up to study the ecological behavior of certain representative forest types and also to study the impact of Climate change. He requested the Authority and government to develop partnership with expert groups, environmental NGOs, individuals and universities to take forward the recommendations of the Strategic Action Plan.
Mr. Deepak Khanna IFS Director SFRI presented key note address on Biodiversity Board-a step towards Biodiversity Conservation. He said that United Nations has declared 2011-2020 as the Decade on Biodiversity and India is signatory to the Convention on Biodiversity. Under the articles of Convention and COP all countries and states are required to make strategies and action plans for the conservation of their Biodiversity and also by 2015 all plan process of the state should include Biodiversity in all development sectors. He said that under the provision of the Act, Authority shall shortly be constituting Management committees and also start documenting Peoples Biodiversity registers. He also stressed on proper institutional building for the documentation, research and conservation of Biodiversity and capacity building of the biodiversity management committees. He informs that the Biodiversity Act is a three tier mechanism of consultation between National Biodiversity Board, State Biodiversity Authority and the Biodiversity management committees.
Dr. Ashok Bhan Chairman IIPA J&K Regional Branch while speaking said that awareness among the civil society for the conservation of Biodiversity is most important and he praised the efforts of WWF-India for the generation of awareness among masses in J&K. He also said that conservation of indigenous species of not only the wild flora and fauna but the cultivated varieties of fruits, vegetables, crops and domestic animals is equally important and the newly constituted J&K State Biodiversity Board should take proper steps for the conservation of these species.
Shri Shiekh Ejaz Ahmad Iqbal IAS Commissioner/Secretary Forests J&K said that the two most important issues in the present age are eradication of poverty and biodiversity conservation and both the problems are interlinked. Both these issues are priority areas for the government.
Forest Minister said that the conservation of biodiversity and equal sharing of benefits is necessary for the civil society and both are required to be taken care. J&K government have taken many steps for the conservation of forest, wildlife and other biodiversity including the recent constitution of J&K Biodiversity Board. The board will prove very helpful for the conservation of biodiversity of the state. He also stressed that though the authority should take immediate steps to implement the provisions of Biodiversity Act. He also stressed on making the society aware of their responsibility to preserve the biodiversity. He said that the traditional forests are the store house of biodiversity and we must take steps to preserve the forests and particularly stop the encroachments of the forest land. He said that the government has succeeded to stop these encroachments. He further said that the State Biodiversity authority should monitor the progress of the implementation of the provisions of the act and state biodiversity strategy and action plan. He said that the Act provides mechanism on one side to protect the state biodiversity and also share the benefits with the communities who are dependent on these national resources for their livelihoods.
In the end Chief Guest presented trophy to Jodhamal Public school for their best performance in organizing EARTH Hour 60+ on 23rd March 2013 at Gole Market Gandhi Nagar by switching off lights for one hour in the market from 8.30 to 9.30pm. Vote of thanks was presented by the Secretary IIPA.